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About this site #

I guess you can see from the domain name that I’ve “Nailed my colours to the mast”.

I first became interested in Elixir in 2017 and quickly fell in love with this carefully crafted language that runs on the battle hardened BEAM. There is lots to like and many layers to peel back - my plan is to share some of my journey so that others may gain some insight and in so doing also gain a deeper understanding myself.

About me #

My name is David Sweeney, I’m originally from Ireland but have been living in Spain since 2016.

I’m a Senior Software Engineer and since 2018 I’ve been working full-time as an Elixir/Phoenix developer, and really enjoying the whole ecosystem.

Before that I worked as a Java Developer in the Financial services and HR sectors. I’ve also worked on two separate occasions as a Logistician for MSF.

In my spare time I’m a father of three 😁 and I’ve recently started to rekindle my love of woodworking with hand tools.

David J Sweeney